Programmes for South Sudan


Academic Opportunities

MEXT Scholarship
For South Sudanese nationals, the Government of Japan offers Ministry of Education (MEXT) scholarship to two kinds of prospective students: 1) in-service teachers aspiring to receive non-degree teacher training at a Japanese tertiary academic institution; 2) degree holders aspiring to enroll in non-degree, graduate-level research at a tertiary academic institution in Japan.  Both types are to respond to annual calls for applications; please refer to below for current and past recruitment announcements. For an overview of the MEXT scholarship offers, including eligibility and duration of studies, you might want to consult with MEXT webpage.  
ABE Initiative
Prime Minister Abe launched the African Business Education Initiative at TICAD V in 2013 to provide opportunities to people in Africa for further engineering education and industrial training in order to achieve economic growth back home. Since 2014 the Government of Japan through JICA recruits prospective students from private sector enterprises, vocational training institutes, and government organizations. The below page explains eligibility requirements and application procedures for your reference.  

South Sudan successfully sent off 11 participants to ABE Initiative 2016.
South Sudan successfully sent off 11 participants to ABE Initiative 2016.

General Information on Studying in Japan
Those who are seeking comprehensive information on academic opportunities and school life in Japan may want to refer to JASSO’s Guide “Gateway to Studying in Japan”.