Press Releases
The Embassy reaches out to the public with press releases and articles in English about cooperation projects as well as communicates events on Facebook.
March 2018
December 2017 November 2017
December 2016 October 2016
December 2015 November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
March 2015
February 2015 2014
November 2014
August 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
January 2015
December 2013
November 2013
August 2013
March 2018
- Joint Press Release: Japan Extends 1 Million USD to UNMAS for Mine Action in South Sudan (27 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Jpaan and UNOPS to Conclude a Report on the River Infrastrucre and Transport System(23 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Launching of the Project funded by the Government of Japan for construction of Primary Health Care Center in Nesitu(23 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Construction of Boreholes and Latrines in Urban Communities in Juba II through Nurture South Sudan(19 March 2018)
- Press Release: Japan Contributes to CTSAMM for its Carrying Out the Mandate of Monitoring Ceasefire in South Sudan (9 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR to Launch Fourth UNITAR Entrepreneurship and Project Planning Training Programme(7 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP to Resume Emergency Call Centre in Juba(6 March 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP Witness Inauguration of South Sudan’s State Revenue Authority in Juba (28 February 2018)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNHCR to Lay the Foundation for the New Primary School in Ajong Thok in the Former Unity State (14 February 2018)
- Press Release: Japan Extends $34 Million Assistance as a Support for South Sudanese (6 February 2018)
December 2017 November 2017
- Joint Press Release: Japan, IOM and UN Women to Provide Necessary Assistance for Border Management and Empowerment of Women in Nimule (29 November 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP Witness Inauguration of South Sudan’s State Revenue Authority in Yambio (24 November 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNIDO to Launch a Project to Promote Small-scale Business Development in Juba (18 September 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UN Women to Launch Women Empowerment Center in Mingkaman (14 September 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and IOM to Support Training for Border and Migration Management (11 September 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and IOM to Support Lifesaving Aid at the Bentiu PoC Site (8 September 2017)
- Press Release: Japan-South Sudan Foreign Ministers' Meeting (26 August 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WHO to Boost Blood Transfusion Service in Wau (25 August 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP Establish Three Community Aid Posts for the Joint Integrated Police (18 August 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNOPS launch feasibility study on humanitarian river transport
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP Witness Inauguration of South Sudan’s First-ever State Revenue Authority in Aweil (26 May 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WHO to Establish Public Health Emergency Operations Centre in South Sudan (24 May 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR conclude South Sudan Fellowship Programme 2016 and launch Cycle 2017 (22 May 2017)
- Press Release: Japan's peacekeepers hand over by engineering equipment to UNMISS (22 May 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNMAS continue partnership with $0.9 million mine action in South Sudan (28 March 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and NWERO sign a project to install water supply facilities at schools in Juba (18 March 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNFPA solarize reproductive health clinic and strengthen OB/GYN services with additional USD 0.5 million (18 March 2017)
- Press Note: Japan disburses USD 7.2 million assistance for food insecurity and malnutrition crisis in South Sudan (15 March 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WFP announce $8.4 million projects in response to food and nutrition crisis (17 March 2017)
- Article: Japan and IOM inaugurate immigration academy with more training programmes under $1 million project (8 March 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WHO announce$0.9 million project for operationalizing the first Emergency Operations Centre and expanding Blood Transfusion Services (6 March 2017)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR conduct Workshop II of South Sudan Fellowship Programme 2016 (3 March 2017)
- Article: Japan and UN-Women empower displaced women and youths in Nimule with literacy and vocation skills training (20 February 2017)
- Press Release: Japane extends USD 22.4 million humanitarian and reconstruction assistance for South Sudan's critical transition (2 February 2017)
December 2016 October 2016
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR conduct Workshop I of South Sudan Fellowship Programme 2016 (27 October 2016)
- Article: Japan and IOM roll out training for South Sudan's immigration officers (21 October 2016)
- [Tokyo] Statement: Foreign Press Secretary on the Establishment of the Transitional Government of National Unity (30 April 2016)
- Article: Embassy conducts organized tour around ODA project sites for Press Corps (11 April 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and IOM carry on with strengthening border control system and managing crisis-driven displacement worth USD 5 million (29 March 2016)」
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNICEF to deliver USD 3.1 million humanitarian aid for primary health care provision, hygiene improvement, and water supply for IDPs (23 March 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNMAS launch another USD 2.1 million project for minefield clearance, explosives removal, and mine risk education (18 March 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and Caritas Switzerland contract for health improvement in Torit (17 March 2016)
- Japan Commits USD 118,200 to CBM toward the building of a new eye patient ward in Juba (15 March 2016)」
- Joint Press Release: Japan and CRDF launch Pachidi Primary School construction in Lafon (14 March 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WFP provide relief commodities and humanitarian transportation services worth USD 3.2 million (11 March 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR conclude South Sudan Fellowship Programme and launch Cycle 2016 (10 March, 2016)
- Article: Japan and UNDP equip IDPs to respond to food insecurity and flooding disasters (3 March 2016)
February 2016 - Joint Press Release: Japan and UN-Women provide livelihood-enhancing equipment for displaced women (23 February 2016)
- Press Release: Japan disburses approx. USD 91,000 to South Sudan Athletics Federation (16 February 2016)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNFPA deliver 3 ambulances and further extend USD 1.65 million to maternal and neonatal care (4 February 2016)
- Press Release: Japan disburses USD 30.9 million for humanitarian and peace efforts in South Sudan (3 February 2016)
December 2015 November 2015
- Article: Ambassador’s visit with UNMAS to USD 2.5 million demining project site (30 November 2015)
- Article: Japan and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Kuroyanagi support children's education in Western Equatoria (26 November 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and OVCI inaugurate health-worker training facilities in Central Equatoria (26 November 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP train crime statistics officers and publish latest crime statistics (9 November 2015)
October 2015
- Joint Press Release: Japan and WFP announce USD 1 million grant for resilience-strengthening work in Lakes (8 October 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and Japanese NGOs achieve high hygiene in IDP camp in Central Equatoria (6 October 2015)
September 2015
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNITAR Hiroshima launch USD 380,000 project for South Sudanese project development training (22 September 2015)
- Press Release: Japan tops up funds for USD 31 million Juba River Port expansion project (21 September 2015)
August 2015
- [Tokyo] Statement: Foreign Press Secretary on the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (28 August 2015)
- Article: Ambassador's visit with UNHCR to project sites on Doro Refugee Camp in Upper Nile (27 August 2015)
- Article: Ambassador's visit with UNDP to project sites for supporting South Sudan’s police force in Wau (24 August 2015)
July 2015
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNDP launch USD 4.8 million disaster risk reduction project (27 July 2015)
- Press Release: Ambassador's congratulatory message to the Government of South Sudan and its people upon South Sudan's 4th independence anniversary (9 July 2015)
March 2015
- Joint Press Release: Japan allocates USD 3.22 million to UNFPA’s project for maternal mortality and morbidity reduction in Greater Upper Nile (26 March 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan provides USD 4.2 million support to WFP's emergency relief work in South Sudan (26 March 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNOPS join hands for improving humanitarian access and sanitation in Mingkaman worth USD 4.1 million (16 March 2015)
- Joint Press Release: Japan contributes US $2.5 million to Mine Action in South Sudan (12 March, 2015)
February 2015 2014
November 2014
August 2014
June 2014
May 2014
- Press Release: Japan provides $6.8 million to UNHCR for the refugee crisis in South Sudan (13 May 2014)
- [Tokyo] Statement: Japan’s Foreign Minister on Signing of Agreement between President and Former Vice President of Republic of South Sudan (13 May 2014)
April 2014
- Joint Press Release: Japan contributes $4.6 million to WFP's work in South Sudan (23 April 2014)
- Joint Press Release: Japan and UNICEF collaborates on a US$ 4.4 million project to support South Sudanese children affected by emergencies (3 April 2014)
March 2014
- Press Release: Japan donates 200 tents and 4,000 plastic sheets to UNMISS for its relief activities (26 March 2014)
- Joint Press Release: Japan offers USD 1.5 million for peace process for South Sudan through IGAD and AU (14 March 2014)
- Joint Press Release: Japan contributes USD 2.5 million to UNMAS in South Sudan (14 March 2014)
January 2015
December 2013
November 2013
- Press Release: 1st ODA Press Tour (27-28 November 2013)
- Press Release: Japan in collaboration with Japan’s SDF Engineering Contingent at UNMISS hands over rehabilitated Na-Bari community road (21 November 2013)
- Press Release: Japan signs contracts worth over USD 357,000 with CAWP, MAGNA, WOTAP (19 Novermber 2013)
August 2013
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